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Class AbstractScene

Base class of the scene acting as a container for the different elements composing a scene. This class is dynamically extended by the different components of the scene increasing flexibility and reducing coupling




actionManagersSearch playground for actionManagers

actionManagers: AbstractActionManager[]

ActionManagers available on the scene.

animationGroupsSearch playground for animationGroups

animationGroups: AnimationGroup[]

All of the animation groups added to this scene



animationsSearch playground for animations

animations: Animation[]

Gets a list of Animations associated with the scene

camerasSearch playground for cameras

cameras: Camera[]

All of the cameras added to this scene



effectLayersSearch playground for effectLayers

effectLayers: Array<EffectLayer>

The list of effect layers (highlights/glow) added to the scene





geometriesSearch playground for geometries

geometries: Geometry[]

The list of geometries used in the scene.

layersSearch playground for layers

layers: Array<Layer>

The list of layers (background and foreground) of the scene

lensFlareSystemsSearch playground for lensFlareSystems

lensFlareSystems: Array<LensFlareSystem>

The list of lens flare system added to the scene



lightsSearch playground for lights

lights: Light[]

All of the lights added to this scene



materialsSearch playground for materials

materials: Material[]

All of the materials added to this scene In the context of a Scene, it is not supposed to be modified manually. Any addition or removal should be done using the addMaterial and removeMaterial Scene methods. Note also that the order of the Material within the array is not significant and might change.



meshesSearch playground for meshes

meshes: AbstractMesh[]

All of the (abstract) meshes added to this scene

morphTargetManagersSearch playground for morphTargetManagers

morphTargetManagers: MorphTargetManager[]

The list of morph target managers added to the scene



multiMaterialsSearch playground for multiMaterials

multiMaterials: MultiMaterial[]

All of the multi-materials added to this scene



particleSystemsSearch playground for particleSystems

particleSystems: IParticleSystem[]

All of the particle systems added to this scene



postProcessesSearch playground for postProcesses

postProcesses: PostProcess[]

The list of postprocesses added to the scene

prePassRendererSearch playground for prePassRenderer

prePassRenderer: Nullable<PrePassRenderer>

Gets or Sets the current prepass renderer associated to the scene.

proceduralTexturesSearch playground for proceduralTextures

proceduralTextures: Array<ProceduralTexture>

The list of procedural textures added to the scene



reflectionProbesSearch playground for reflectionProbes

reflectionProbes: Array<ReflectionProbe>

The list of reflection probes added to the scene



rootNodesSearch playground for rootNodes

rootNodes: Node[]

Gets the list of root nodes (ie. nodes with no parent)

skeletonsSearch playground for skeletons

skeletons: Skeleton[]

The list of skeletons added to the scene



soundsSearch playground for sounds

sounds: Nullable<Array<Sound>>

The list of sounds used in the scene.

subSurfaceConfigurationSearch playground for subSurfaceConfiguration

subSurfaceConfiguration: Nullable<SubSurfaceConfiguration>

Gets or Sets the current prepass renderer associated to the scene.

texturesSearch playground for textures

textures: BaseTexture[]

Textures to keep.

transformNodesSearch playground for transformNodes

transformNodes: TransformNode[]

All of the tranform nodes added to this scene In the context of a Scene, it is not supposed to be modified manually. Any addition or removal should be done using the addTransformNode and removeTransformNode Scene methods. Note also that the order of the TransformNode wihin the array is not significant and might change.





  • Texture used in all pbr material as the reflection texture. As in the majority of the scene they are the same (exception for multi room and so on), this is easier to reference from here than from all the materials.

    Returns Nullable<BaseTexture>

  • Texture used in all pbr material as the reflection texture. As in the majority of the scene they are the same (exception for multi room and so on), this is easier to reference from here than from all the materials.


    Returns any


addEffectLayerSearch playground for addEffectLayer

  • Adds the given effect layer to this scene


    • newEffectLayer: EffectLayer

      defines the effect layer to add

    Returns void

addLensFlareSystemSearch playground for addLensFlareSystem

  • Adds the given lens flare system to this scene


    Returns void

addReflectionProbeSearch playground for addReflectionProbe

  • Adds the given reflection probe to this scene.


    Returns void

disablePrePassRendererSearch playground for disablePrePassRenderer

  • disablePrePassRenderer(): void
  • Disables the prepass associated with the scene

    Returns void

disableSubSurfaceForPrePassSearch playground for disableSubSurfaceForPrePass

  • disableSubSurfaceForPrePass(): void
  • Disables the subsurface effect for prepass

    Returns void

enablePrePassRendererSearch playground for enablePrePassRenderer

  • Enables the prepass and associates it with the scene

    Returns Nullable<PrePassRenderer>

    the PrePassRenderer

enableSubSurfaceForPrePassSearch playground for enableSubSurfaceForPrePass

  • Enables the subsurface effect for prepass

    Returns Nullable<SubSurfaceConfiguration>

    the SubSurfaceConfiguration

getGlowLayerByNameSearch playground for getGlowLayerByName

  • Return a the first highlight layer of the scene with a given name.


    • name: string

      The name of the highlight layer to look for.

    Returns Nullable<GlowLayer>

    The highlight layer if found otherwise null.

getHighlightLayerByNameSearch playground for getHighlightLayerByName

  • Return a the first highlight layer of the scene with a given name.


    • name: string

      The name of the highlight layer to look for.

    Returns Nullable<HighlightLayer>

    The highlight layer if found otherwise null.

getLensFlareSystemByIDSearch playground for getLensFlareSystemByID

  • Gets a lens flare system using its Id


    Please use getLensFlareSystemById instead


    • id: string

      defines the Id to look for

    Returns Nullable<LensFlareSystem>

    the lens flare system or null if not found

getLensFlareSystemByIdSearch playground for getLensFlareSystemById

  • Gets a lens flare system using its Id


    • id: string

      defines the Id to look for

    Returns Nullable<LensFlareSystem>

    the lens flare system or null if not found

getLensFlareSystemByNameSearch playground for getLensFlareSystemByName

  • Gets a lens flare system using its name


    • name: string

      defines the name to look for

    Returns Nullable<LensFlareSystem>

    the lens flare system or null if not found

getNodesSearch playground for getNodes

  • getNodes(): Array<Node>
  • Returns Array<Node>

    all meshes, lights, cameras, transformNodes and bones

removeEffectLayerSearch playground for removeEffectLayer

  • Removes the given effect layer from this scene.


    • toRemove: EffectLayer

      defines the effect layer to remove

    Returns number

    the index of the removed effect layer

removeLensFlareSystemSearch playground for removeLensFlareSystem

  • Removes the given lens flare system from this scene.


    Returns number

    The index of the removed lens flare system

removeReflectionProbeSearch playground for removeReflectionProbe

  • Removes the given reflection probe from this scene.


    Returns number

    The index of the removed reflection probe

Static AddIndividualParserSearch playground for AddIndividualParser

  • Adds n individual parser in the list of available ones


    Returns void

Static AddParserSearch playground for AddParser

  • Adds a parser in the list of available ones


    • name: string

      Defines the name of the parser

    • parser: BabylonFileParser

      Defines the parser to add

    Returns void

Static GetIndividualParserSearch playground for GetIndividualParser

  • Gets an individual parser from the list of avaialble ones


    • name: string

      Defines the name of the parser

    Returns Nullable<IndividualBabylonFileParser>

    the requested parser or null

Static GetParserSearch playground for GetParser

  • Gets a general parser from the list of avaialble ones


    • name: string

      Defines the name of the parser

    Returns Nullable<BabylonFileParser>

    the requested parser or null

Static ParseSearch playground for Parse

  • Parser json data and populate both a scene and its associated container object


    • jsonData: any

      Defines the data to parse

    • scene: Scene

      Defines the scene to parse the data for

    • container: AssetContainer

      Defines the container attached to the parsing sequence

    • rootUrl: string

      Defines the root url of the data

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method