Using Build a House from Plans

Please note that some functions used in this project uses Earcut, so, in non playground projects, you will have to add a reference to their cdn or download their npm package

The walls, doors and windows of a house can be built using the function

var house buildFromPlan(walls, ply, height, options, scene);

which requires an additional prototype to PolygonMeshBuilder.

The code for both of these is given below and can be copied and used in your own projects. Further details can be found by reading the development of this code.

The parameters are

walls : an array of wall objects
ply : thickness of each wall
height : height of each wall
options : an object containing 5 optional parameters
     interior: a Boolean, default false, when set to true can be used to draw interior walls
     interiorUV: a Vector4(bottom left u, bottom left v, top right u, top right v)
     exteriorUV: a Vector4(bottom left u, bottom left v, top right u, top right v)
     interiorColor: a Color4(r, g, b, a)
     exteriorColor: a Color4(r, g, b, a)
scene : the scene

Each wall object has one two or three parameters

corners: an array of corner objects - required
doorSpaces : an array of doorSpace objects - optional
windowSpaces an array of windowSpace objects - optional

Each corner object has two parameters giving its position in 2D , example new corner(-3, 2)

Each doorSpace object has two parameters door : door object
left : distance from left hand edge of wall

Each door object has two parameters, example new door(2, 1) width : width of door
height : height of door

Each windowSpace object has three parameters window : window object
left : distance from left hand edge of wall
top : distance from top of wall

Each window object has two parameters, example new window(1, 2) width : width of window
height : height of window



The following code should be copied and pasted inside the createScene function

var buildFromPlan = function(walls, ply, height, options, scene) {
//Arrays for vertex positions and indices
var positions = [];
var indices = [];
var uvs = [];
var colors = [];
var interiorUV = options.interiorUV || new BABYLON.Vector4(0, 0, 1, 1);
var exteriorUV = options.exteriorUV || new BABYLON.Vector4(0, 0, 1, 1);
var interiorColor = options.interiorColor || new BABYLON.Color4(1, 1, 1, 1);
var exteriorColor = options.exteriorColor || new BABYLON.Color4(1, 1, 1, 1);
var interior = options.interior || false;
if(!interior) {
var interiorIndex;
//Arrays to hold wall corner data
var innerBaseCorners = [];
var outerBaseCorners = [];
var innerTopCorners = [];
var outerTopCorners = [];
var innerDoorCorners = [];
var outerDoorCorners = [];
var innerWindowCorners = [];
var outerWindowCorners = [];
var angle = 0;
var direction = 0;
var line = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var nextLine = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var nbWalls = walls.length;
if(nbWalls === 2) {
walls[1].corner.subtractToRef(walls[0].corner, line);
lineNormal = new BABYLON.Vector3(line.z, 0, -1 * line.x).normalize();
innerBaseCorners[0] = walls[0].corner;
outerBaseCorners[0] = walls[0].corner.add(lineNormal.scale(ply));
innerBaseCorners[1] = walls[1].corner;
outerBaseCorners[1] = walls[1].corner.add(lineNormal.scale(ply));
else if(nbWalls > 2) {
for(var w = 0; w < nbWalls - 1; w++) {
walls[w + 1].corner.subtractToRef(walls[w].corner, nextLine);
angle = Math.PI - Math.acos(BABYLON.Vector3.Dot(line, nextLine)/(line.length() * nextLine.length()));
direction = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(nextLine, line).normalize().y;
lineNormal = new BABYLON.Vector3(line.z, 0, -1 * line.x).normalize();
innerBaseCorners[w] = walls[w].corner
outerBaseCorners[w] = walls[w].corner.add(lineNormal.scale(ply)).add(line.scale(direction * ply/Math.tan(angle/2)));
line = nextLine.clone();
if(interior) {
lineNormal = new BABYLON.Vector3(line.z, 0, -1 * line.x).normalize();
innerBaseCorners[nbWalls - 1] = walls[nbWalls - 1].corner
outerBaseCorners[nbWalls - 1] = walls[nbWalls - 1].corner.add(lineNormal.scale(ply));
walls[1].corner.subtractToRef(walls[0].corner, line);
lineNormal = new BABYLON.Vector3(line.z, 0, -1 * line.x).normalize();
innerBaseCorners[0] = walls[0].corner;
outerBaseCorners[0] = walls[0].corner.add(lineNormal.scale(ply));
else {
walls[1].corner.subtractToRef(walls[0].corner, nextLine);
angle = Math.PI - Math.acos(BABYLON.Vector3.Dot(line, nextLine)/(line.length() * nextLine.length()));
direction = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(nextLine, line).normalize().y;
lineNormal = new BABYLON.Vector3(line.z, 0, -1 * line.x).normalize();
innerBaseCorners[0] = walls[0].corner
outerBaseCorners[0] = walls[0].corner.add(lineNormal.scale(ply)).add(line.scale(direction * ply/Math.tan(angle/2)));
innerBaseCorners[nbWalls - 1] = innerBaseCorners[0];
outerBaseCorners[nbWalls - 1] = outerBaseCorners[0]
// inner and outer top corners
for(var w = 0; w < nbWalls; w++) {
innerTopCorners.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(innerBaseCorners[w].x, height, innerBaseCorners[w].z));
outerTopCorners.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(outerBaseCorners[w].x, height, outerBaseCorners[w].z));
var maxL = 0;
for(w = 0; w < nbWalls - 1; w++) {
maxL = Math.max(innerBaseCorners[w + 1].subtract(innerBaseCorners[w]).length(), maxL);
var maxH = height; // for when gables introduced
/******House Mesh Construction********/
// Wall Construction
var polygonCorners;
var polygonTriangulation;
var wallData;
var wallDirection = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var wallNormal = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
var wallLength;
var exteriorWallLength;
var doorData;
var windowData;
var uvx, uvy;
var wallDiff;
for(var w = 0; w < nbWalls - 1; w++) {
walls[w + 1].corner.subtractToRef(walls[w].corner, wallDirection);
wallLength = wallDirection.length();
wallNormal.x = wallDirection.z;
wallNormal.z = -1 * wallDirection.x;
exteriorWallLength = outerBaseCorners[w + 1].subtract(outerBaseCorners[w]).length();
wallDiff = exteriorWallLength - wallLength;
var gableHeight = 0;
if(walls[w].doorSpaces) {
var doors = walls[w].doorSpaces.length;
//Construct INNER wall polygon starting from (0, 0) using wall length and height and door data
polygonCorners = [];
polygonCorners.push(new BABYLON.Vector2(0, 0));
for (var d = 0; d < doors; d++) {
polygonCorners.push(new BABYLON.Vector2(walls[w].doorSpaces[d].left, 0));
polygonCorners.push(new BABYLON.Vector2(walls[w].doorSpaces[d].left, walls[w].doorSpaces[d].door.height));
polygonCorners.push(new BABYLON.Vector2(walls[w].doorSpaces[d].left + walls[w].doorSpaces[d].door.width, walls[w].doorSpaces[d].door.height));
polygonCorners.push(new BABYLON.Vector2(walls[w].doorSpaces[d].left + walls[w].doorSpaces[d].door.width, 0));
polygonCorners.push(new BABYLON.Vector2(wallLength, 0));
polygonCorners.push(new BABYLON.Vector2(wallLength, height));
polygonCorners.push(new BABYLON.Vector2(0, height));
//Construct triangulation of polygon using its corners
polygonTriangulation = new BABYLON.PolygonMeshBuilder("", polygonCorners, scene);
//Construct holes and add to polygon from window data
var windows = walls[w].windowSpaces.length;
var holes = [];
for(var ws = 0; ws < windows; ws++) {
var holeData = [];
holeData.push(new BABYLON.Vector2(walls[w].windowSpaces[ws].left, height - walls[w].windowSpaces[ws].top - walls[w].windowSpaces[ws].window.height));
holeData.push(new BABYLON.Vector2(walls[w].windowSpaces[ws].left + walls[w].windowSpaces[ws].window.width, height - walls[w].windowSpaces[ws].top - walls[w].windowSpaces[ws].window.height));
holeData.push(new BABYLON.Vector2(walls[w].windowSpaces[ws].left + walls[w].windowSpaces[ws].window.width, height - walls[w].windowSpaces[ws].top));
holeData.push(new BABYLON.Vector2(walls[w].windowSpaces[ws].left, height - walls[w].windowSpaces[ws].top));
for(var h = 0; h < holes.length; h++) {
// wallBuilder produces wall vertex positions array and indices using the current and next wall to rotate and translate vertex positions to correct place
wallData = polygonTriangulation.wallBuilder(walls[w], walls[w + 1]);
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
polygonTriangulation._points.elements.forEach(function (p) {
uvx = interiorUV.x + p.x * (interiorUV.z - interiorUV.x) / maxL;
uvy = interiorUV.y + p.y * (interiorUV.w - interiorUV.y) / height;
uvs.push(uvx, uvy);
colors.push(interiorColor.r, interiorColor.g, interiorColor.b, interiorColor.a);
//Add inner wall positions (repeated for flat shaded mesh)
positions = positions.concat(wallData.positions);
interiorIndex = positions.length/3;
indices = indices.concat({
return idx + nbIndices;
//wallData has format for inner wall [base left, 0 or more doors, base right, top right, top left, windows]
//extract door and wall data
windowData = wallData.positions.slice(12 * (doors + 1)); //4 entries per door + 4 entries for wall corners, each entry has 3 data points
doorData = wallData.positions.slice(3, 3 * (4 * doors + 1) );
//For each inner door save corner as an array of four Vector3s, base left, top left, top right, base right
//Extend door data outwards by ply and save outer door corners
var doorCornersIn = [];
var doorCornersOut = [];
for(var p = 0; p < doorData.length/12; p++) {
var doorsIn = [];
var doorsOut = [];
for(var d = 0; d < 4; d ++) {
doorsIn.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(doorData[3 * d + 12 * p], doorData[3 * d + 12 * p + 1], doorData[3 * d + 12 * p + 2]));
doorData[3 * d + 12 * p] += ply * wallNormal.x;
doorData[3 * d + 12 * p + 2] += ply * wallNormal.z;
doorsOut.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(doorData[3 * d + 12 * p], doorData[3 * d + 12 * p + 1], doorData[3 * d + 12 * p + 2]));
//For each inner window save corner as an array of four Vector3s, base left, top left, top right, base right
//Extend window data outwards by ply and save outer window corners
var windowCornersIn = [];
var windowCornersOut = [];
for(var p = 0; p < windowData.length/12; p++) {
var windowsIn = [];
var windowsOut = [];
for(var d = 0; d < 4; d ++) {
windowsIn.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(windowData[3 * d + 12 * p], windowData[3 * d + 12 * p + 1], windowData[3 * d + 12 * p + 2]));
windowData[3 * d + 12 * p] += ply * wallNormal.x;
windowData[3 * d + 12 * p + 2] += ply * wallNormal.z;
windowsOut.push(new BABYLON.Vector3(windowData[3 * d + 12 * p], windowData[3 * d + 12 * p + 1], windowData[3 * d + 12 * p + 2]));
//Construct OUTER wall facet positions from inner wall
//Add outer wall corner positions back to wallData positions
wallData.positions = [];
wallData.positions.push(outerBaseCorners[w].x, outerBaseCorners[w].y, outerBaseCorners[w].z);
wallData.positions = wallData.positions.concat(doorData);
wallData.positions.push(outerBaseCorners[w + 1].x, outerBaseCorners[w + 1].y, outerBaseCorners[(w + 1) % nbWalls].z);
wallData.positions.push(outerTopCorners[w + 1].x, outerTopCorners[w + 1].y, outerTopCorners[(w + 1) % nbWalls].z);
wallData.positions.push(outerTopCorners[w].x, outerTopCorners[w].y, outerTopCorners[w].z);
wallData.positions = wallData.positions.concat(windowData);
//Calulate exterior wall uvs
polygonTriangulation._points.elements.forEach(function (p) {
if (p.x == 0) {
uvx = exteriorUV.x;
else if (wallLength - p.x < 0.000001) {
uvx = exteriorUV.x + (wallDiff + p.x) * (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) / (maxL + wallDiff)
else {
uvx = exteriorUV.x + (0.5 * wallDiff + p.x) * (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) / (maxL + wallDiff);
uvy = exteriorUV.y + p.y * (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) / height;
uvs.push(uvx, uvy);
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
//Add outer wall positions, uvs and colors (repeated for flat shaded mesh)
positions = positions.concat(wallData.positions);
//Reverse indices for correct normals
indices = indices.concat({
return idx + nbIndices;
//Construct facets for base and door top and door sides, repeating positions for flatshaded mesh
var doorsRemaining = doors;
var doorNb = 0;
if (doorsRemaining > 0) {
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
positions.push(innerBaseCorners[w].x, innerBaseCorners[w].y, innerBaseCorners[w].z); //tl
positions.push(outerBaseCorners[w].x, outerBaseCorners[w].y, outerBaseCorners[w].z); //bl
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].z); //tr
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].z); //br
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x , exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y); //base Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].left/maxL, exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].left/maxL, exteriorUV.y); //base right
indices.push(nbIndices, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices + 1, nbIndices);
//left side
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].z); //br
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].z); //tr
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].z); //bl
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].z); //tl
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * ply/maxL, exteriorUV.y); //base right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * ply/maxL, exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].door.height/maxH); //top right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y); //base Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x , exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].door.height/maxH); //top Left
indices.push(nbIndices, nbIndices + 1, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices + 2);
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].z); //bl
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].z); //br
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].z); //tl
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].z); //tr
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y); //base Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].door.width/maxL, exteriorUV.y); //base right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x , exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].door.width/maxL, exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top right
indices.push(nbIndices + 2, nbIndices + 1, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices, nbIndices + 1);
//right side
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].z); //tl
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].z); //bl
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].z); //tr
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].z); //br
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x , exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].door.height/maxH); //top Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y); //base Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * ply/maxL, exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].door.height/maxH); //top right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * ply/maxL, exteriorUV.y); //base right
indices.push(nbIndices, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices, nbIndices + 1, nbIndices + 3);
while (doorsRemaining > 0 ) {
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb - 1][3].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb - 1][3].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb -1][3].z); //bl
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].z); //br
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb - 1][3].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb - 1][3].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb - 1][3].z); //tl
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].z); //tr
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y); //base Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * (walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].left - (walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb - 1].left + walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb - 1].door.width))/maxL/maxL, exteriorUV.y); //base right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x , exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * (walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].left - (walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb - 1].left + walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb - 1].door.width))/maxL, exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top right
indices.push(nbIndices, nbIndices + 1, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices);
//left side
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].z); //br
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].z); //tr
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][0].z); //bl
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].z); //tl
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * ply/maxL, exteriorUV.y); //base right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * ply/maxL, exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].door.height/maxH); //top right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y); //base Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x , exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].door.height/maxH); //top Left
indices.push(nbIndices, nbIndices + 1, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices + 2);
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].z); //bl
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].z); //br
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][1].z); //tl
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].z); //tr
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y); //base Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].door.width/maxL, exteriorUV.y); //base right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x , exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].door.width/maxL, exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top right
indices.push(nbIndices + 2, nbIndices + 1, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices, nbIndices + 1);
//right side
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].z); //tl
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].z); //bl
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][2].z); //tr
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].z); //br
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x , exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].door.height/maxH); //top Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y); //base Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * ply/maxL, exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].door.height/maxH); //top right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * ply/maxL, exteriorUV.y); //base right
indices.push(nbIndices, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices, nbIndices + 1, nbIndices + 3);
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
//final base
if(doors > 0) {
positions.push(innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].x, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].y, innerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].z); //bl
positions.push(innerBaseCorners[w + 1].x, innerBaseCorners[w + 1].y, innerBaseCorners[w + 1].z); //br
positions.push(outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].x, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].y, outerDoorCorners[w][doorNb][3].z); //tl
positions.push(outerBaseCorners[w + 1].x, outerBaseCorners[w + 1].y, outerBaseCorners[w + 1].z); //tr
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y); //base Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * (wallLength - (walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].left + walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].door.width))/maxL, exteriorUV.y); //base right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x , exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * (wallLength - (walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].left + walls[w].doorSpaces[doorNb].door.width))/maxL, exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top right
else {
positions.push(innerBaseCorners[w].x, innerBaseCorners[w].y, innerBaseCorners[w].z); //bl
positions.push(innerBaseCorners[w + 1].x, innerBaseCorners[w + 1].y, innerBaseCorners[w + 1].z); //br
positions.push(outerBaseCorners[w].x, outerBaseCorners[w].y, outerBaseCorners[w].z); //tl
positions.push(outerBaseCorners[w + 1].x, outerBaseCorners[w + 1].y, outerBaseCorners[w + 1].z); //tr
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y); //base Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * wallLength/maxL, exteriorUV.y); //base right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x , exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * wallLength/maxL, exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top right
indices.push(nbIndices, nbIndices + 1, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices);
//Construct facets for window base, top and sides, repeating positions for flatshaded mesh
for (ww = 0 ; ww < innerWindowCorners[w].length; ww++) {
//left side
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
positions.push(innerWindowCorners[w][ww][3].x, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][3].y, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][3].z); //tr
positions.push(innerWindowCorners[w][ww][0].x, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][0].y, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][0].z); //br
positions.push(outerWindowCorners[w][ww][3].x, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][3].y, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][3].z); //tl
positions.push(outerWindowCorners[w][ww][0].x, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][0].y, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][0].z); //bl
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * ply/maxL, exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * walls[w].windowSpaces[ww].window.height/maxH); //top right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * ply/maxL, exteriorUV.y); //base right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x , exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * walls[w].windowSpaces[ww].window.height/maxH); //top Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y); //base Left
indices.push(nbIndices + 1, nbIndices, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices);
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
positions.push(innerWindowCorners[w][ww][0].x, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][0].y, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][0].z); //tl
positions.push(innerWindowCorners[w][ww][1].x, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][1].y, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][1].z); //tr
positions.push(outerWindowCorners[w][ww][0].x, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][0].y, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][0].z); //bl
positions.push(outerWindowCorners[w][ww][1].x, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][1].y, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][1].z); //br
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x , exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * walls[w].windowSpaces[ww].window.width/maxL, exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y); //base Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * walls[w].windowSpaces[ww].window.width/maxL, exteriorUV.y); //base right
indices.push(nbIndices + 1, nbIndices, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices + 3,nbIndices, nbIndices + 2);
//right side
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
positions.push(innerWindowCorners[w][ww][1].x, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][1].y, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][1].z); //bl
positions.push(innerWindowCorners[w][ww][2].x, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][2].y, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][2].z); //tl
positions.push(outerWindowCorners[w][ww][1].x, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][1].y, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][1].z); //br
positions.push(outerWindowCorners[w][ww][2].x, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][2].y, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][2].z); //tr
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y); //base Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x , exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * walls[w].windowSpaces[ww].window.height/maxH); //top Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * ply/maxL, exteriorUV.y); //base right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x), exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * walls[w].windowSpaces[ww].window.height/maxH); //top right
indices.push(nbIndices + 1, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices + 1);
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
positions.push(innerWindowCorners[w][ww][2].x, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][2].y, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][2].z); //br
positions.push(innerWindowCorners[w][ww][3].x, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][3].y, innerWindowCorners[w][ww][3].z); //bl
positions.push(outerWindowCorners[w][ww][2].x, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][2].y, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][2].z); //tr
positions.push(outerWindowCorners[w][ww][3].x, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][3].y, outerWindowCorners[w][ww][3].z); //tl
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * walls[w].windowSpaces[ww].window.width/maxL, exteriorUV.y); //base right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y); //base Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * walls[w].windowSpaces[ww].window.width/maxL, exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x , exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top Left
indices.push(nbIndices + 3, nbIndices, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices + 1, nbIndices, nbIndices + 3);
//Construction of top of wall facets
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
positions.push(innerTopCorners[w].x, innerTopCorners[w].y, innerTopCorners[w].z); //tl
positions.push(innerTopCorners[w + 1].x, innerTopCorners[w + 1].y, innerTopCorners[w + 1].z); //tr
positions.push(outerTopCorners[w].x, outerTopCorners[w].y, outerTopCorners[w].z); //bl
positions.push(outerTopCorners[w + 1].x, outerTopCorners[w + 1].y, outerTopCorners[w + 1].z); //br
uvx = exteriorUV.x + 0.5 * wallDiff * (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x)/maxL;
uvs.push(uvx, exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top Left
uvx = exteriorUV.x + (0.5 * wallDiff + wallLength) * (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x)/maxL;
uvs.push(uvx, exteriorUV.y + (exteriorUV.w - exteriorUV.y) * ply/maxH); //top right
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y); //base Left
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * exteriorWallLength/(maxL + wallDiff), exteriorUV.y); //base right
indices.push(nbIndices + 1, nbIndices, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices + 3, nbIndices);
for(var p = interiorIndex; p < positions.length/3; p++) {
colors.push(exteriorColor.r, exteriorColor.g, exteriorColor.b, exteriorColor.a);
if (interior) { //close ends of walls
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
positions.push(innerBaseCorners[0].x, innerBaseCorners[0].y, innerBaseCorners[0].z);
positions.push(outerBaseCorners[0].x, outerBaseCorners[0].y, outerBaseCorners[0].z);
positions.push(outerTopCorners[0].x, outerTopCorners[0].y, outerTopCorners[0].z);
positions.push(innerTopCorners[0].x, innerTopCorners[0].y, innerTopCorners[0].z);
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y);
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * ply / maxL, exteriorUV.y);
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * ply / maxL, exteriorUV.z);
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.z);
indices.push(nbIndices, nbIndices + 1, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices + 3);
nbIndices = positions.length/3; // current number of indices
positions.push(innerBaseCorners[nbWalls -1].x, innerBaseCorners[nbWalls -1].y, innerBaseCorners[nbWalls -1].z);
positions.push(outerBaseCorners[nbWalls -1].x, outerBaseCorners[nbWalls -1].y, outerBaseCorners[nbWalls -1].z);
positions.push(outerTopCorners[nbWalls -1].x, outerTopCorners[nbWalls -1].y, outerTopCorners[nbWalls -1].z);
positions.push(innerTopCorners[nbWalls -1].x, innerTopCorners[nbWalls -1].y, innerTopCorners[nbWalls -1].z);
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.y);
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * ply / maxL, exteriorUV.y);
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x + (exteriorUV.z - exteriorUV.x) * ply / maxL, exteriorUV.z);
uvs.push(exteriorUV.x, exteriorUV.z);
indices.push(nbIndices + 1, nbIndices, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices + 2, nbIndices, nbIndices + 3);
for(var p = 0; p < 8; p++) {
colors.push(exteriorColor.r, exteriorColor.g, exteriorColor.b, exteriorColor.a);
var compareLeft = function(a, b) {
return a.left - b.left
var normals = [];
BABYLON.VertexData.ComputeNormals(positions, indices, normals);
BABYLON.VertexData._ComputeSides(BABYLON.Mesh.FRONTSIDE, positions, indices, normals, uvs);
//Create a custom mesh
var customMesh = new BABYLON.Mesh("custom", scene);
//Create a vertexData object
var vertexData = new BABYLON.VertexData();
//Assign positions and indices to vertexData
vertexData.positions = positions;
vertexData.indices = indices;
vertexData.normals = normals;
vertexData.uvs = uvs;
vertexData.colors = colors;
//Apply vertexData to custom mesh
return customMesh;

PolygonMeshBuilder wallBuilder Method

This code should be copied and pasted within your own code.

BABYLON.PolygonMeshBuilder.prototype.wallBuilder = function (w0, w1) {
var positions = [];
var iuvs = [];
var euvs = [];
var icolors = [];
var ecolors = [];
var direction = w1.corner.subtract(w0.corner).normalize();
var angle = Math.acos(direction.x);
if(direction.z !=0) {
angle *= direction.z/Math.abs(direction.z);
this._points.elements.forEach(function (p) {
positions.push(p.x * Math.cos(angle) + w0.corner.x, p.y, p.x * Math.sin(angle) + w0.corner.z);
var indices = [];
var res = earcut(this._epoints, this._eholes, 2);
for (var i = res.length; i > 0; i--) {
indices.push(res[i - 1]);
return {positions: positions, indices: indices};

Building the Data and Parameters, an example

var baseData = [-3, -2, -1, -4, 1,-4, 3, -2, 5, -2, 5, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, -3, 3];
var corners = [];
for(b = 0; b < baseData.length/2; b++) {
corners.push(new corner(baseData[2*b], baseData[2*b + 1]));
var door = new door(1, 1.8);
var doorSpace = new doorSpace(door, 1);
var window0 = new window(1.2, 2.4);
var window1 = new window(2, 2.4);
var windowSpace02 = new windowSpace(window0, 0.814, 0.4);
var windowSpace1 = new windowSpace(window0, 0.4, 0.4);
var windowSpace78 = new windowSpace(window1, 1.5, 0.4);
var walls = [];
for(c=0; c<corners.length; c++) {
walls.push(new wall(corners[c]));
walls[0].windowSpaces = [windowSpace02];
walls[1].windowSpaces = [windowSpace1];
walls[2].windowSpaces = [windowSpace02];
walls[7].windowSpaces = [windowSpace78];
walls[8].windowSpaces = [windowSpace78];
walls[5].doorSpaces = [doorSpace];
var ply = 0.3;
var height = 3.2;

Build Interior Walls

Really this is a method of building walls that do not form an enclosing shell, i.e. the first and last corners do not produce a wall between them.

Add the option interior: true, for example

var wall = buildFromPlan(walls, ply, height, {interior:true}, scene);

You can add doors and windows (?hatches) to these walls as well.

Playground Examples

PG: House From Floorplan
PG: Wall From Floorplan 1
PG: Wall From Floorplan 2
PG: House and Interior Walls