Scene Manager

The babylon scene manager extension provides runtime life cycle management for game objects. The extension supports a scene component application programming interface to enable the usage of modern game mechanics to ease web browser game development and provide a native game editor style development experience simular to native Unity and Unreal Engine game development.

Babylon Scene Manager

The Scene Manager is packaged with latest toolkit extension but is availble on github for download and customization. You can preview the latest stable TypeScript Definitions file. To use a custom build you must copy your new output files to your project's Assets > Babylon > Library folder as:

  • babylon.manager.bjs - Scene manager compiled javascript output file renamed to .bjs extension

  • babylon.manager.d.ts - Scene manager application programming interface script definition file

Babylon Scene Controller

The scene controller script is designed to be used as the main entry point and logic controller for the specified scene. The scene contoller exposes and addition life cyle function called Ready that gets called during the scene loading Execute When Ready stage. This is the ideal place for main scene setup code that runs before the game render loop is started. The scene controller is a sub class of BABYLON.MeshComponent and should be used on a single empty game object in the scene.

Example scene controller script file:

module PROJECT {
export class NewSceneController extends BABYLON.MeshComponent {
public constructor(owner: BABYLON.AbstractMesh, scene: BABYLON.Scene, tick: boolean = true, propertyBag: any = {}) {
super(owner, scene, tick, propertyBag);
protected ready() :void {
// Scene execute when ready
protected start() :void {
// Start component function
protected update() :void {
// Update render loop function
protected after() :void {
// After render loop function
protected destroy() :void {
// Destroy component function

Babylon Scene Components

Managed scene components provide modern game mechanic helper functions to ease web game development. Some notable toolkit managed scene component examples:

GetProperty - Gets a property from the attached editor script component.

module PROJECT {
export class TestMeshComponent extends BABYLON.MeshComponent {
protected start() :void {
var hello:string = this.getProperty("hello", "Default Value");
console.log("Echo Hello: " + hello);

GetComponent - Get a reference to another component attached to the owner object.

module PROJECT {
export class TestMeshComponent extends BABYLON.MeshComponent {
protected start() :void {
var animator:BABYLON.AnimationState = this.getComponent("BABYLON.AnimationState");
if (animator) console.log("Echo Owner: " +;

GetUserInput - Get the local multiplayer user input from the scene manager for the specified input axis.

module PROJECT {
export class TestMeshComponent extends BABYLON.MeshComponent {
protected update() :void {
var vertical:number = this.manager.getUserInput(BABYLON.UserInputAxis.Vertical, BABYLON.PlayerNumber.One);
var horizontal:number = this.manager.getUserInput(BABYLON.UserInputAxis.Horizontal, BABYLON.PlayerNumber.One);
console.log("Echo Input: " + vertical.toString() + " x " + horizontal.toString());

Mesh Script Components

The mesh component script is to be used by All Non Light And Camera game objects. The component provides access to the owner mesh via its BABYLON.AbtractMesh property:

module PROJECT {
export class NewMeshComponent extends BABYLON.MeshComponent {
protected start() :void {
console.log("Starting mesh component for owner: " +;

Light Script Components

The light component script is to be used on Light game objects Only. The component provides runtime access to the owner light via its BABYLON.Light property.

module PROJECT {
export class NewLightComponent extends BABYLON.LightComponent {
protected start() :void {
console.log("Starting light component for owner: " +;

Camera Script Components

The camera component script is to be used on Camera game objects Only. The component provides runtime access to the owner camera via its BABYLON.Camera property.

module PROJECT {
export class NewCameraComponent extends BABYLON.CameraComponent {
protected start() :void {
console.log("Starting camera component for owner: " +;

Babylon Global Script Files

Global scripts enable inline global function for all scenes in the project. The global application script can also be used to capture window load and scene exeute when ready events for the entire project.

Example global startup script:

BABYLON.SceneManager.OnWindowLoad(() => {
// Global Page Loaded Handler
BABYLON.SceneManager.ExecuteWhenReady((scene:BABYLON.Scene, manager:BABYLON.SceneManager)=> {
// Global Scene Ready Handler
