Using Path Finder

The editor provides a tool to help creating path finders. That will require programming skills.

For example in this video, a path finder is used to animate randomly a particle system in a given mesh surface:

Using the Path Finder Editor

To access the tool, just click on the toolbar Tools -> Path Finder....

The tool will show 2 panels:

  • List of meshes surfaces where positions are available (on the left)
  • Preview of the path finder output (black = wall, white = available)

To add new available surfaces, just click on the button Add New in the list (left). Once you add or remove surfaces, the preview will be updated.

To edit the path finder configuration, just click on the toolbar Edit. Now, the editor's Inspector will show you the available properties:

  • Name: The name of the path finder configuration (important and used when programming)
  • Size: Can be seen as the quality (number of positions available) of the path finder
  • Ray Height: In some cases (like huge/high terrains), the ray height represents the start position on Y axis for rays being launched to check collisions on mesh surfaces. Sometimes you'll have to set a higher value
  • Ray Length: Represents the length of rays being launched to check collisions. Sometimes, you'll have to set higher value
  • Remove...: Remove the current path finder configuration
  • Create new...: Create a new path finder configuration

Selecting a path finder configuration

To select a path finder configuration, just click on the toolbar Paths -> the configuration to edit.

Programming using path finder configurations

As a developer, you'll want to use a previously configured path finder. For example, when you add a script to a node, you can use the global instance named tools to access all extensions including the path finder extension.

For example, animating randomly an object:

class Script implements IScript {
// Public members
public isPlaying: boolean = false; // If the object is being animated
* Constructor
constructor ()
{ }
* Called once starting the script
public start (): void {
// Here we are editing a mesh
* Called on each frame
public update (): void {
// Get the path finder instance. Let's have a configuration named "tutorial"
const pathFinderConfiguration = tools.getPathFinder('tutorial');
// Now, get start and end positions calculated by the path finder.
// To do that, you'll have to find the nearest available point for the current node position
const start = pathFinderConfiguration.findNearestPoint(mesh.position);
const randomIndex = (Math.random() * pathFinderConfiguration.availablePoints.length) >> 0;
const end = pathFinderConfiguration.availablePoints[randomIndex];
// Now compute path using the path finder instance
const path = pathFinderConfiguration.fromTo(start, end);
// Now, create an animation. This is used as an helper to create easily a traval animation
// Here we create an animation named "AnimationName" set as 60FPS
const animation = pathFinderConfiguration.createAnimation('AnimationName', path, 60);
// Animate the node!
this.isPlaying = true;
scene.beginAnimation(mesh, 0, path.length - 1, false, 0.4, () => {
// On animation end, set isPlaying to false
this.isPlaying = false;
// Function that exports the script