Using The Assets Panel

The editor provides a way to manage assets. Assets are element that you can use the customize your objects.

It includes these categories of assets:

  • Custom particle system sets (using the Particle System Creator)
  • Custom scripts (using the Code Editor)
  • Custom graphs (using the Graph Editor)

Once you add an asset (for example a new custom script from the Code Editor), the panel will be updated. From there you can, in the assets panel:

  • Click on the asset: the tool will focus work on the selected item
  • Right click on the asset: you'll be able to remove the asset (undo/redo supported)
  • Double click on the asset: open/show the tool to modify the asset
  • Drag'n'drop the asset on a mesh: this will add the asset to the mesh under the pointer


In future, the assets panel will contain more categories such as materials, textures, animations, etc.