Immutable Solid Particle Systems

An immutable SPS is one where particle properties will not change. This is one way to optimize your scene when it needs many similar objects that won't change afterwards, such as buildings in the distance or asteroids. Placing multiple copies of a model into one mesh means only one draw call for each frame rendering. Besides SPS there are other methods of forming a single mesh from multiple copies of one mesh; these are merge meshes, instances and thin instances.

You can create an immutable SPS in two different ways.

  1. Build your SPS as explained earlier in this section and call initParticles and setParticles() just once, before and outside the render loop, to set your particles where and how you need. This method is quite simple However the SPS mesh is still built as updatable so that particle properties can be initiated and because of this particle data is cached, waiting for a hypothetical further change. This is the only way to do it when using billboard mode and in this case you still need to call setParticles in the render loop also even if the particles don't move.
  2. Set the SPS to updatable on construction using a third options parameter SolidParticleSystem(name, scene, { updatable: false })

It is the second method that we describe here.

To construct an immutable SPS you use

var SPS = new BABYLON.SolidParticleSystem(name, scene, { updatable: false });

As the mesh can't be updated you cannot initiate the particles with initParticles() and calling setParticles() has no effect; don't call it, you'll spare some CPU. For now the particles array is not even populated! In fact no particle management function called after SPS.buildMesh() will have any effect.

How do you set the initial particle properties when the SPS mesh can't be updated? You pass a custom function to an options object with the property positionFunction when you add a model as a shape like this

SPS.addShape(model, number_of_particles, { positionFunction: myCustomFunction });

Your custom function will be called as many times as the number_of_particles for the added shape. It needs up to three parameters; a particle object, an index, i, which is a counter to the total number of shapes that have been added by all calls to addShape and, s, which is a counter to the number of models added by calling addShape.

For example, a custom function has this form

const myBuilder = function(particle, i, s) {
// set properties of particle

When using it on two models

SPS.addShape(model1, 1000, { positionFunction: myBuilder });
SPS.addShape(model2, 500, { positionFunction: myBuilder });

While model1 is added i runs from 0 to 999 and s runs from 0 to 999. When model2 is added i runs from 1000 to 1499 and s runs from 0 to 499

The particle object has the following properties that you can set

null, if rotationQuaternion is set, rotation is ignored

An example of code to build an immutable mesh

const myBuilder = (particle, i, s) => {
// particle is the current particle
// i is its global index in the SPS
// s is its index in its shape, so here from 0 to 149
particle.rotation.y = s / 150;
particle.position.x = s - 150;
particle.uvs = new BABYLON.Vector4(0, 0, 0.33, 0.33); // first image from an atlas
particle.scaling.y = Math.random() + 1;
const box = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox('b', {}, scene);
const SPS = new BABYLON.SolidParticleSystem('SPS', scene, {updatable : false});
SPS.addShape(box, 150, {positionFunction: myBuilder}); // myBuilder will be called for each of the 150 boxes
const mesh = SPS.buildMesh();

Immutable color cube of triangle particles: Immutable Color Cube of Triangle Particles Immutable town with 80,000 buildings: Immutable Town With 80,000 Buildings

Note that although the particles cannot move but you can still move, scale or rotate the whole SPS mesh. When there is no need for you SPS mesh to move, scale or rotate you can use the standard Babylon.js mesh freezeXXX() methods for further performance gain

SPS.mesh.freezeWorldMatrix(); // prevents from re-computing the World Matrix each frame
SPS.mesh.freezeNormals(); // prevents from re-computing the normals each frame

You are not restricted to using the positionFunction to just a SPS created with updatable = true although using initParticles() and setParticles() is probably easier and you have a few more particle properties.

Solid Particle Vertex Position

In addition to the positionFunction to set a particle's property there is also a vertexFunction option to modify the shape of each particle by changing the positions of the vertices of the model forming the particle. The custom function you assign to the vertexFunction is called once by SPS.buildMesh() for each vertex of a particle.

var myVertexFunction = function(particle, vertex, i) {
// particle : the current particle
// vertex : the current vertex position within the particle
// i : index of the vertex in the particle shape
vertex.x *= Math.random() + 1;
SPS.addShape(box, 150, { vertexFunction: myVertexFunction }); // the 150 boxes will have their vertices moved randomly

Of course you can use the both properties together :

SPS.addShape(box, 150, {
vertexFunction: myVertexFunction,
positionFunction: myPositionFunction

Example with asteroids: Solid Particle Vertex Position Example

Making your SPS immutable is one way to optimize your scene. Next we will consider ways to optimize when using an updatable SPS.

Rebuild the mesh

if a mesh, changed at creation time with positionFunction or vertexFunction has been then modified with setParticles(), it can be rebuild by reapplying the internally stored positionFunction or vertexFunction functions.
Note that only the function are stored, not their results. This means that if one of your function produces different results each call (using Math.random() for instance), you won't get back the same SPS mesh shape but another computed shape.


Except in some very specific cases, you might not need to use this function.