Centered on Created Origin

Transformations About the Local Origin

When a mesh is created the position vector for each vertex is given from (0, 0, 0) the created origin of the mesh and its local origin for translation, rotation and scaling. In this section the center of transformation of a mesh will always be its local origin. For changes to the center of transformation visit Parents and Pivots. As well as simply assigning vector values to change the position, rotation and scale of a mesh it is also possible to use the method of cooordinate transformation to transform one mesh in terms of the frame of reference of another. It is also possible to transform the mesh vertices coordinates and effectively change the local origin, this process of baking transformations is described although it should only be necessary in exceptional circumstances.

Coming next

Position A Mesh
Learn about positioning meshes in Babylon.js.
Position A Mesh
Mesh Rotation
Learn how to properly rotate a mesh in Babylon.js.
Mesh Rotation
Sequencing Rotations
Learn how to sequence rotations in Babylon.js.
Sequencing Rotations
Rotation Quaternions
Learn about rotation quaternions in Babylon.js.
Rotation Quaternions
Target Axes Alignment
Learn about target axes alignment in Babylon.js.
Target Axes Alignment
Rotation Conventions
Learn about rotation conventions in Babylon.js.
Rotation Conventions
Introduction To Coordinate Transformation
Learn all about coordinate transformation in Babylon.js.
Introduction To Coordinate Transformation
Coordinate Transformation Examples
Check out coordinate transformation examples in Babylon.js.
Coordinate Transformation Examples
Baking Transformations
Learn about how to bake transformations in Babylon.js.
Baking Transformations