Creating Custom Polyhedra

Custom Polyhedra

These are a further range of polyhedra that you can create although they need more steps to achieve. This is the reason for the custom option. All the other options, other than type, can be used with custom polyhedra.

  1. Visit Custom Polyhedra and minimize the code editor by unchecking the box by Editor under the Gear icon (Options) and note the polyhedron names under the mouse pointer.

    Select a Polyhedron

  2. From the polyhedra.js file at find the required name

HeptagonalPrism : {
"name":"Heptagonal Prism",
  1. Copy/paste the wanted polyhedron object in your code like this :
const heptagonalPrism = { "name":"Heptagonal Prism", "category":["Prism"], "vertex":[[0,0,1.090071],[0.796065,0,0.7446715],[-0.1498633,0.7818315,0.7446715],[-0.7396399,-0.2943675,0.7446715],[0.6462017,0.7818315,0.3992718],[1.049102,-0.2943675,-0.03143449],[-0.8895032,0.487464,0.3992718],[-0.8658909,-0.6614378,-0.03143449],[0.8992386,0.487464,-0.3768342],[0.5685687,-0.6614378,-0.6538232],[-1.015754,0.1203937,-0.3768342],[-0.2836832,-0.8247995,-0.6538232],[0.4187054,0.1203937,-0.9992228],[-0.4335465,-0.042968,-0.9992228]],
const heptPrism = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreatePolyhedron("h", {custom: heptagonalPrism}, scene); //scene is optional and defaults to the current scene
//also possible
const heptPrism1 = BABYLON.Mesh.CreatePolyhedron("h", {custom: heptagonalPrism}, scene); //scene is optional and defaults to the current scene

HeptagonalPrism: HeptagonalPrism Heptagonal Prism with changed sizes: HeptagonalPrism With Changed Sizes Heptagonal Prism with face colors: HeptagonalPrism With Face Colors