Node Material

The Node Material is a simple, highly customizable material that you can build yourself piece by piece. Combined with the powerful node-based editor, you can easily create stunning custom GPU shaders and FX for your Babylon.js scenes.

The Node Material allows you to avoid writing complicated shader language code, instead replacing it with simple processes of either using UI (the Node Material Editor) or by creating and connecting node blocks in your scene code (the Node Material blocks).

Creating a Node Material using code

Initial steps

If you are interested in learning how to create node materials through code, you might consider starting with the video below as it goes over 3 important tips to help you get started:

To start using the Node Material, you just need to instantiating one:

var nodeMaterial = new BABYLON.NodeMaterial("node material", scene, { emitComments: true });

Please note that the third parameter will contain optional values that will let you configure how the material will build its shader:

  • emitComments: Set this value to true if you want the blocks to emit comments in the shader code

Adding blocks

Blocks can be added by just instantiating them:

var morphTargets = new BABYLON.MorphTargetsBlock("morphTargets");

For input blocks, you can then define either their value or the source of the value:

var timeInput = new BABYLON.InputBlock("time");
timeInput.value = 0;


var viewProjectionInput = new BABYLON.InputBlock("viewProjection");

System values can be:

  • BABYLON.NodeMaterialSystemValues.World
  • BABYLON.NodeMaterialSystemValues.View
  • BABYLON.NodeMaterialSystemValues.WorldView
  • BABYLON.NodeMaterialSystemValues.Projection
  • BABYLON.NodeMaterialSystemValues.ViewProjection
  • BABYLON.NodeMaterialSystemValues.WorldViewProjection
  • BABYLON.NodeMaterialSystemValues.CameraPosition
  • BABYLON.NodeMaterialSystemValues.FogColor
  • BABYLON.NodeMaterialSystemValues.DeltaTime

Input blocks can also take their value from a mesh attribute:

let positionInput = new BABYLON.InputBlock("position");

Attributes can be:

  • position
  • normal
  • tangent
  • uv
  • uv2
  • matricesIndices
  • matricesWeights
  • matricesIndicesExtra
  • matricesWeightsExtra

When you manually set the value of an InputNode, you can flag it as node.isConstant to indicate that the value will not be dynamically updated and thus the node material will be able to optimize the block by not generating an uniform for this value.

The following functions will let you get information about your InputNode:

  • isSystemValue
  • isAttribute
  • isUniform
  • isConstant

When an InputNode is an uniform (eg. a manual value that will be sent to the shader) and not a constant, you can set inputNode.visibleInInspector to true so users will be able to visually control the value of the node using Babylon.js Inspector.

You can even csutomize the look and feel of the Inspector UI by defining inputNode.min and inputNode.max to get a slider instead of an input text box.

Connecting blocks

By default calling block.connectTo(otherBlock) will try to establish a connection by picking an output from the first block and connect it to an available input in the second one:

var positionInput = new BABYLON.InputBlock("position");
var worldInput = new BABYLON.InputBlock("world");
var worldPos = new BABYLON.TransformBlock("worldPos");

If you do not want to use the automatic connection you can then pick the output and the input you want to connect directly:


You can check if two connection points can connect with

if (worldInput.output.canConnectTo( {

The system will throw an exception if you try to connect two incompatible connection points.

When connected, two connection points can be disconnected with:


Gettings blocks

Once a graph is built inside a NodeMaterial, you can use the following API to get a specific node by name:

let block = nodeMaterial.getBlockByName("MyBlock");

You can also get a block using a predicate:

let block = nodeMaterial.getBlockByPredicate((b) => b.getClassName() === "AddBlock" && === "foo");

Or you can also use this API to get an InputNode and use it to setup its value if the node is set manual value:

let block = nodeMaterial.getInputBlockByPredicate((b) => === "foo");
block.value = 10;

Note that while this API generically works for all input blocks, not all input blocks have a "value" attribute. For example texture blocks would have block.texture instead of block.value. Be sure to check the API documentation for detail.

You can access the list of InputBlocks with:


Or you can get all blocks registered with a node material with:


Be sure to also check out the full API documentation.

List of available blocks

By default, the node material provides the following blocks:

  • Animation:

    • Bones: Provides a world matrix for each vertex, based on skeletal (bone/joint) animation.

      • Inputs:
        • matricesIndices: Vector4
        • matricesWeights: Vector4
        • matricesIndicesExtra: Vector4
        • matricesWeightsExtra: Vector4
        • world: Matrix
      • Outputs:
        • output: Matrix
    • MorphTargets: Provides the final positions, normals, tangents, and uvs based on morph targets in a mesh.

      • Inputs:
        • position: Vector3
        • normal: Vector3
        • tangent: Vector3
        • uv: Vector2
      • Outputs:
        • positionOutput: Vector3
        • normalOutput: Vector3
        • tangentOutput: Vetor3
        • uvOutput: Vector2
  • Color Management:

    • Desaturate: Convert a color input into a grayscale representation.

      • Inputs:
        • color: Color3
        • level: Float
      • Outputs:
        • output: Color3
    • Gradient: Returns the color in the gradient represented by the target value of the input.

      • Inputs:
        • value: Float.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Color3.
    • Posterize: Reduces the number of values in each channel to the number in the corresponding channel of steps.

      • Inputs:
        • value: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • steps: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
    • ReplaceColor: Outputs the replacement color if the distance between value and reference is less than distance, else outputs the value color.

      • Inputs:
        • value: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • reference: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • distance: Float
        • replacement: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
  • Conversion:

    • ColorMerger: Combines float input channels into a color.

      • Inputs:
        • r: Float
        • g: Float
        • b: Float
        • a: Float
      • Outputs:
        • rgba: Color4
        • rgb: Color3
    • ColorSplitter: Separates color input channels into individual floats.

      • Inputs:
        • rgba: Color4
        • rgb: Color3
      • Outputs:
        • rgb: Color3
        • r: Float
        • g: Float
        • b: Float
        • a: Float
    • VectorMerger: Combines up to four input floats into a vector.

      • Inputs:
        • x: Float
        • y: Float
        • z: Float
        • w: Float
      • Outputs:
        • xyzw: Vector4
        • xyz: Vector3
        • xy: Vector2
    • VectorSplitter: Separates vectors input channels into individual floats.

      • Inputs:
        • xyzw: Vector4
        • xyz: Vector3
        • xy: Vector2
      • Outputs:
        • xyz: Vector3
        • xy: Vector2
        • x: Float
        • y: Float
        • z: Float
        • w: Float
  • Inputs:

    • Color3: A color made up of red, green, and blue channel values.

      • Output:
        • output: Color3
    • Color4: A color made up of red, green, blue, and alpha channel values.

      • Output:
        • output: Color4
    • DeltaTime: A float representing the time that has passed since the last frame was rendered.

      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Float: A floating point number representing a value with a fractional component.

      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • FragCoord: The gl_FragCoord predefined variable (window relative coordinates (x,y,z,1/w))

      • Output:
        • xy: Vector2
        • xyz: Vector3
        • xyzw: Vector4
        • x: Float
        • y: Float
        • z: Float
        • w: Float
    • ReflectionTexture: Creates a reflection from the input texture.

      • Input:
        • position: Vector3
        • worldPosition: Vector4
        • worldNormal: Vector4
        • world: Matrix
        • cameraPosition: Vector3
        • view: Matrix
      • Output:
        • rgb: Color3
        • r: Float
        • g: Float
        • b: Float
    • SceneDepth: The scene depth buffer

      • Input:
        • uv: Vector2
      • Output:
        • depth: Float
    • ScreenSize: The size of the screen window

      • Output:
        • xy: Vector2
        • x: Float
        • y: Float
    • Texture: A node for reading a linked or embedded texture file.

      • Inputs:
        • uv: Vector2 (mesh.uv automatically attached).
      • Outputs:
        • rgba: Vector4
        • rgb: Vector3
        • r: Float
        • g: Float
        • b: Float
        • a: Float
    • Time: A float value that represents the time that has passed since the scene was loaded.

      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Vector2: a vector composed of X and Y channels.

      • Output:
        • output: Vector2
    • Vector3: a vector composed of X, Y, and Z channels.

      • Output:
        • output: Vector3
    • Vector4: a vector composed of X, Y, Z, and W channels.

      • Output:
        • output: Vector4
  • Interpolation:

    • Lerp: Outputs a value that is a mix of the left and right inputs based on the target value.

      • Inputs:
        • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4
        • gradient: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on left and right input types.
    • NLerp: Outputs a value that is a mix of the left and right inputs based on the target's normalized value.

      • Inputs:
        • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4
        • gradient: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on left and right input types.
    • SmoothStep: Outputs a value based on a the input value's position on a curve between the two edge values.

      • Inputs:
        • value: Float
        • edge0: Float
        • edge1: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Step: Outputs 1 for any input value above the edge input, outputs 0 for any input value below the edge input.

      • Input:
        • value: Float
        • edge: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
  • Math: Standard:

    • Add: Adds the left and right inputs of the same type together.

      • Inputs:
        • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
    • Divide: Divides the left input by the right input of the same type.

      • Inputs:
        • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
    • Max: Outputs the largest value between the left and right inputs of the same type.

      • Inputs:
        • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
    • Min: Outputs the smallest value between the left and right inputs of the same type.

      • Inputs:
        • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
    • Mod: Outputs the value of the left input modulo the right input

      • Inputs:
        • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
    • Multiply: Multiplies the left and right inputs of the same type together.

      • Inputs:
        • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
    • Negate: Multiplies the input by -1.

      • Inputs:
        • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
    • OneMinus: Subtracts each channel of the input value from 1 (1 - input).

      • Inputs:
        • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
    • Reciprocal: Quotient of 1 divided by the input.

      • Inputs:
        • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
    • Scale: Multiplies the input channels by a float factor.

      • Inputs:
        • Input: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • Factor: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
    • Sign: Returns 1 if the input is positive, 0 if input is equal to 0, or -1 if the input is negative.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Sqrt: Outputs the the square root of the input value.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Subtract: Subtracts the right input from the left input of the same type.

      • Inputs:
        • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
  • Math: Scientific:

    • Abs: Outputs the absolute value of the input value.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • ArcCos: Outputs the inverse of the cosine value based on the input value.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • ArcSin: Outputs the inverse of the sine value based on the input value.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • ArcTan: Outputs the inverse of the tangent value based on the input value.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • ArcTan2: Outputs the inverse of the tangent value based on the input value.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Cos: Outputs the cosine value based on the input value.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • DegreesToRadians: Converts the input degrees value to radians.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Exp: Outputs the input value multiplied by itself 9 time. (Exponent of 10)

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Exp2: Outputs the input value multiplied by itself 1 time. (Exponent of 2)

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Fract: Outputs only the fractional value of a floating point number.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Log: The logarithmic value based on the input value.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Pow: Outputs the input value multiplied by itself the number of times equal to the power input (Exponent of power)

      • Input:
        • value: Float
        • power: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • RadiansToDegrees: Converts the input radians value to degrees.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • SawToothWave: Outputs a sawtooth pattern value between -1 and 1 based on the input value.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Sin: Outputs the the sine value based on the input value.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • SquareWave: Outputs a stepped pattern value between -1 and 1 based on the input value.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Tan: Outputs the the tangent value based on the input value.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • TriangleWave: Outputs a sawtooth pattern value between 0 and 1 based on the input value.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
  • Math: Vector:

    • Cross: Outputs a vector that is perpendicular to two input vectors.

      • Inputs:
        • left: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Output:
        • output: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on left and right input types.
    • Derivative: FRAGMENT SHADER ONLY. Provides the rate of change for an input on a given axis (x,y).

      • Inputs:
        • input: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Output:
        • dx: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on left and right input types.
        • dy: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on left and right input types.
    • Distance: Provides a distance vector based on the left and right input vectors.

      • Inputs:
        • left: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
    • Dot: Outputs the cos of the angle between two vectors.

      • Inputs:
        • left: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Fresnel: Outputs the grazing angle of the surface of the mesh, relative to a camera influenced by the bias and power inputs.

      • Input:
        • worldNormal: Vector4
        • viewDirection: Vector3
        • bias: Float
        • power: Float
      • Output:
        • fresnel: Float
    • Length: Outputs the length of an input vector.

      • Inputs:
        • left: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
        • right: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
    • Reflect: Outputs the direction of the input vector reflected across the surface normal.

      • Inputs:
        • incident: Vector3
        • normal: Vector3
      • Outputs:
        • output: Vector3
    • Refract: Outputs a direction simulating a deflection of the input vector.

      • Inputs:
        • incident: Vector3
        • normal: Vector3
        • ior: Float
      • Outputs:
        • output: Vector3
    • Rotate2D: Rotates UV coordinates around the W axis.

      • Inputs:
        • input: Vector2
        • angle: Float
      • Outputs:
        • output: Vector2
    • Transform: Transforms a input vector based on the input matrix.

      • Inputs:
        • vector: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4
        • transform: Matrix
      • Output:
        • output: Vector4
  • Matrices:

    • Matrix: A 4x4 table of related values.

      • Output:
        • output: Matrix
    • ProjectionMatrix: A matrix to remap points in 3D space to 2D plane relative to the screen.

      • Output:
        • output: Matrix
    • ViewMatrix: A matrix to remap points in 3D space to 2D plane relative to the view of the scene camera.

      • Output:
        • output: Matrix
    • ViewProjectionMatrix: A matrix to remap points in 3D space to 2D view space before remapping to 2D screen space.

      • Output:
        • output: Matrix
    • WorldMatrix: A matrix to remap points in 3D local space to 3D world space.

      • Output:
        • output: Matrix
    • WorldViewMatrix: A matrix to remap points in 3D local space to 3D world space, and ending in 2D camera space.

      • Output:
        • output: Matrix
    • WorldViewProjectionMatrix: A matrix to remap points in 3D local space to 3D world space, then to 2D camera space, and ending in 2D screen space.

      • Output:
        • output: Matrix
  • Mesh:

    • Color: Outputs the RGBA color of each vertex in the mesh.

      • Output:
        • output: Color4
    • FrontFacing: Returns 1 if a mesh triangle faces the normal direction and 0 if it does not.

      • Outputs:
        • output: Float
    • Instances: Provides the world matrix for each instance to apply this material to all instances.

      • Inputs:
        • world0: Vector4
        • world1: Vector4
        • world2: Vector4
        • world3: Vector4
        • world: worldMatrix
      • Output:
        • output: Matrix
    • MatricesIndices: A Vector4 representing the vertex to bone skinning assignments.

      • Output:
        • output: Vector4
    • MatricesWeights: A Vector4 representing the vertex to bone skinning weights.

      • Output:
        • output: Vector4
    • Normal: A Vector3 representing the normal of each vertex of the attached mesh.

      • Output:
        • output: Vector3
    • NormalBlend: Outputs the result of blending two normal maps together using a per-channel screen.

      • Input:
        • normalMap0: Vector3
        • normalMap1: Vector3
      • Output:
        • output: Vector3
    • PerturbNormal: Creates high-frequency detail normal vectors based on a normal map, the world position, and world normal.

      • Input:
        • worldPosition: Vector4
        • worldNormal: Vector4
        • uv: Vector2
        • normalMap: Color3
        • strength: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Vector4
    • Position: A Vector3 representing the position of each vertex of the attached mesh.

      • Output:
        • output: Vector3
    • Tangent: A Vector3 representing the tangent of each vertex of the attached mesh.

      • Output:
        • output: Vector3
    • UV: A Vector2 representing the UV coordinates of each vertex of the attached mesh.

      • Output:
        • output: Vector2
    • WorldNormal: A Vector4 representing the normal of each vertex of the attached mesh transformed into world space.

      • Input:
        • vector: Vector3
        • transform: Matrix
      • Output:
        • output: Vector4
    • WorldPosition: A Vector4 representing the position of each vertex of the attached mesh transformed into world space.

      • Input:
        • vector: Vector3
        • transform: Matrix
      • Output:
        • output: Vector4
  • Noises:

    • Cloud: Creates a random pattern resembling clouds.

      • Inputs:
        • seed: Vector2 or Vector3
        • chaos: Normalized Vector3
        • offsetX: Float
        • offsetY: Float
        • offsetZ: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • RandomNumber: Provides a random number based on an input seed.

      • Inputs:
        • seed: Vector2
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • SimplexPerlin3D: Creates a type of gradient noise with few directional artifacts.

      • Inputs:
        • seed: Vector3
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • WorleyNoise3D: Creates a random pattern resembling cells.

      • Inputs:
        • seed: Vector3
        • jitter: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Vector2
  • Outputs:

    • Discard: A final node that will not output a pixel below the cutoff value.

      • Inputs:
        • value: Float
        • cutoff: Float
    • FragmentOutput: A mandatory final node for outputing the color of each pixel.

      • Inputs:
        • rgba: Vector4
        • rgb: Vector3
        • a: Float
    • VertexOutput: A mandatory final node for outputing the position of each vertex.

      • Inputs:
        • vector: Vector4
  • Particle:

    • ParticleBlendMultiply: The "blend/multiply" module of the particle shader

      • Inputs:
        • color: Color4
        • alphaTexture: Float
        • alphaColor: Float
      • Outputs:
        • blendColor: Color4
    • ParticleColor: The color of the particle

      • Outputs:
        • output: Color4
    • ParticlePositionWorld: The world position of the particle

      • Outputs:
        • output: Vector3
    • ParticleRampGradient: The "ramp gradient" module of the particle shader

      • Inputs:
        • color: Color4
      • Outputs:
        • rampColor: Color4
    • ParticleTexture: The texture of the particle

      • Inputs:
        • uv: Vector2
      • Outputs:
        • rgba: Color4
        • rgb: Color3
        • r: Float
        • g: Float
        • b: Float
        • a: Float
    • ParticleTextureMask: The textureMask property of the particle

      • Outputs:
        • output: Color4
    • ParticleUV: the uv coordinates of the particle

      • Outputs:
        • output: Vector2
  • PBR: (since 4.2)

    • Anisotropy: The anisotropy module of the PBR material

    • Inputs:

      • intensity: Float
      • direction: Vector2 - note that if you read the direction from a texture, you will probably want to apply the transformation texture.xy * 2 - 1 to get coordinates between -1 and 1!
      • uv: Vector2
      • worldTangent: Vector4
    • Outputs:

      • anisotropy: can only be used as input of the PBRMetallicRoughness block
    • ClearCoat: The clear coat module of the PBR material

      • Inputs:
        • intensity: Float
        • roughness: Float
        • indexOfRefraction: Float
        • normalMapColor: Color3
        • uv: Vector2
        • tintColor: Color3
        • tintAtDistance: Float
        • tintThickness: Float
        • worldTangent: Vector4
      • Outputs:
        • clearcoat: can only be used as input of the PBRMetallicRoughness block
    • PBRMetallicRoughness: The PBR material implementing the metallic/roughness model

      • Inputs:
        • worldPosition: Vector4
        • worldNormal: Vector4
        • view: Matrix
        • cameraPosition: Vector3
        • perturbedNormal: Vector4
        • baseColor: Color3
        • metallic: Float
        • roughness: Float
        • ambientOcc: Float
        • opacity: Float
        • indexOfRefraction: Float
        • ambientColor: Color3
        • reflection: output of the Reflection block
        • clearcoat: output of the ClearCoat block
        • sheen: output of the Sheen block
        • subsurface: output of the SubSurface block
        • anisotropy: output of the Anisotropy block
      • Outputs:
        • ambientClr: Color3
        • diffuseDir: Color3
        • specularDir: Color3
        • clearcoatDir: Color3
        • sheenDir: Color3
        • diffuseInd: Color3
        • specularInd: Color3
        • clearcoatInd: Color3
        • sheenInd: Color3
        • refraction: Color3
        • lighting: Color3
        • shadow: Float
        • alpha: Float


      • The Dir suffix in the name of the outputs means Direct and are components from direct lighting (spot, point light, directional, ...).
      • The Ind suffix in the name of the outputs means Indirect and are components from indirect lighting (IBL, ...).
      • The lighting output is the combination (sum) of all the other outputs (except for shadow and alpha) and is the one to use if you want to deal with the final output color. This color is in gamma space.
      • All the XXXClr, XXXDir and XXXInd outputs are individual lighting components and can be used if you need to perform further processing with them. These components are in linear space.
      • The shadow output is the shadow component when this material is used for shadow rendering (0 means completely in shadow from all lights and 1 means fully visible by all lights). You can use it for additional special effects (see Tinted Shadows Example ) for tinted shadows for eg - it's for the standard material but it would work the same for PBR too) but note that you don't need to do anything with it by default to have shadows rendered correctly for your material
    • Reflection: The reflection module of the PBR material

      • Inputs:
        • position: Vector3
        • world: Matrix
        • color: Color3
      • Outputs:
        • reflection: can only be used as input of the PBRMetallicRoughness block
  • Refraction: The refraction module of the PBR material (used by the SubSurface block)

    • Inputs:
      • intensity: Float
      • tintAtDistance: Float
    • Outputs:
      • refraction: can only be used as input of the SubSurface block
  • Sheen: The sheen module of the PBR material

    • Inputs:
      • intensity: Float
      • color: Color3
      • roughness: Float
    • Outputs:
      • sheen: can only be used as input of the PBRMetallicRoughness block
  • SubSurface: The sub surface module of the PBR material

    • Inputs:
      • thickness: Float
      • tintColor: Color3
      • translucencyIntensity: Float
      • translucencyDiffusionDist: Color3
      • refraction: output of the Refraction block
    • Outputs:
      • subsurface: can only be used as input of the PBRMetallicRoughness block
  • PostProcess:

    • CurrentScreen: The current screen (texture) used to render the post process

      • Inputs:
        • uv: Vector2
      • Outputs:
        • rgba: Color4
        • rgb: Color3
        • r: Float
        • g: Float
        • b: Float
        • a: Float
    • Position2D: The 2D clip coordinates (values between -1 and 1 for both x and y)

      • Outputs:
        • output: Vector2
  • Range:

    • Clamp: Outputs values above the maximum or below minimum as maximum or minimum values respectively.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • input: Float
    • Normalize: Remaps the length of a vector or color to 1.

      • Inputs:
        • input: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
      • Outputs:
        • output: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.
    • Remap: Remaps input value between sourceMin and sourceMax to a new range between targetMin and targetMax.

      • Inputs:
        • input: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, Color4.
        • sourceMin: Float
        • sourceMax: Float
        • targetMin: Float
        • targetMax: Float
      • Outputs:
        • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, Color4. Output varies based on input type.
  • Round:

    • Ceiling: Outputs fractional values as the next higher whole number.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Floor: Outputs fractional values as the next lower whole number.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
    • Round: Outputs fractional values rounded to the nearest whole number.

      • Input:
        • input: Float
      • Output:
        • output: Float
  • Scene Attributes:

    • CameraPosition: Outputs a Vector3 position of the active scene camera.

      • Output:
        • output: Vector3
    • CameraParameters: Outputs a Vector4 containing parameters associated with the camera (x: -1 for webGL and 1 for webGPU, y: minZ, z: maxZ, w: 1 / maxZ).

      • Output:
        • output: Vector4
    • Fog: Applies fog to the scene with an increasing opacity based on distance from the camera.

      • Input:
        • worldPosition: Vector4
        • view: viewMatrix (Matrix)
        • input: Vector3
        • fogColor: Color3
      • Output:
        • output: Color3
    • FogColor: The system value for fog color pulled from the scene.

      • Output:
        • output: Color3
    • ImageProcessing: Provides access to all of the Babylon image processing properties. Input is expected in Gamma color space. Post Processes

      • Input:
        • color: Color4
      • Output:
        • output: Color4
    • Light: Outputs diffuse and specular contributions from one or more scene lights.

      • Input:
        • worldPosition: Vector4
        • worldNormal: Vector4
        • cameraPosition: Vector3
        • glossiness: Float
        • glossPower: Float
        • diffuseColor: Color3
        • specularColor: Color3
      • Output:
        • diffuseOutput: Color3
        • specularOutput: Color3
    • LightInformation: Provides the direction, color and intensity of a selected light based on its world position.

      • Input:
        • worldPosition: Vector4
      • Output:
        • direction: Vector3
        • color: Color3
        • intensity: Float
    • ViewDirection: Outputs the direction vector of where the camera is aimed.

      • Input:
        • worldPosition: Vector4
        • cameraPosition: Vector3
      • Output:
        • output: Vector3

Building the Node Material

Once setup, you can ask the Node Material to build its internal shaders (vertex and fragment) by calling You can set the boolean parameter to true to get a log of the final shaders on the console.

The build function will throw an exception if the shaders cannot be compiled:

try {;
} catch (err) {
console.log("Unable to compile because " + err);

Once successfully built, you can use the Node Material like any other materials:

myMesh.material = nodeMaterial;


Here is one of the simplest code using the Node Material:

var nodeMaterial = new BABYLON.NodeMaterial("node material", scene, { emitComments: true });
var positionInput = new BABYLON.InputBlock("position");
var worldInput = new BABYLON.InputBlock("world");
var worldPos = new BABYLON.TransformBlock("worldPos");
var viewProjectionInput = new BABYLON.InputBlock("viewProjection");
var worldPosdMultipliedByViewProjection = new BABYLON.TransformBlock("worldPos * viewProjectionTransform");
var vertexOutput = new BABYLON.VertexOutputBlock("vertexOutput");
// Pixel
var pixelColor = new BABYLON.InputBlock("color");
pixelColor.value = new BABYLON.Color4(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1);
var fragmentOutput = new BABYLON.FragmentOutputBlock("fragmentOutput");
// Add to nodes

Please note that this code is equivalent to:

var nodeMaterial = new BABYLON.NodeMaterial("node material", scene, { emitComments: true });

Using the Node Material Editor

The Node Material Editor can be used to visually edit / build your Node Material.


To invoke the editor you can call nodematerial.edit() but this code must be called inside a user interaction (like a click event). You can also call it through the Inspector:;;

When selected in the Inspector, you can find an edit button in the Node Material property pane.

You can also use a standalone version of the editor here: Node Material Editor

Custom Frames


When using the node material editor we can create frames by holding shift and dragging the mouse across nodes within the graph.

A frame is an easy way to group several nodes together and collapse them into a smaller group to declutter the graph and allow you to reuse certain node branches. We can rename the frame, change its color, and even make a note/comment about it.

When we collapse the node, input and output ports that are linked to other nodes outside of the grame, will be exposed on the frame edges. (You can manually set a port to be exposed as well). Here we can edit the exposed ports by renaming them or even changing the order.


We can export a frame by using the “Export” button.

Once exported, we can load it back into our project for future use by clicking the “+” symbol on the “Custom Frames” tab of the node menu, in the left panel.


By loading a custom frame, we can reuse it quickly just like any other node block. Custom frames will stay in this menu any time you open the node material editor.


We also have a library of custom frames available for you to leverage here:

Tile and Offset

This custom frame is primarly used to tile and/or offset UVs, but you can use it to modify any Vector2.

Example setup (you have to set your texture to generate some visible output):

Tile and Offset

Some example values and the results are provided in the following table:

Tile and Offset
Tile and Offset
Tile and Offset
Tile and Offset

UV Twirl

You can use this custom frame to twirl the UV's and create twirled textures.

Connect the custom frame:

UV Twirl

The output is the original texture:

UV Twirl

By changing the strength value the image gets twirled around the center:

UV Twirl

Screen Position

A normalized screen position from 0,0 (bottom left) to 1,1 (top, right)

Screen Position

produces this output:

Screen Position

Custom Blocks

Starting with v5.0 you can now create custom blocks by wrapping some plain GLSL code. It can come in handy when you have some complicated code that could be difficult to recreate with the existing node material blocks.

Register Custom Blocks with the NME

At the time, a custom block is described by a .json file that you must provide when registering a new custom block in the node material editor:

Register Custom Block

When clicking on the "+" icon to add (register) a new custom block, you will be requested for the .json file that describes the block.

Here's how a Multiply custom block could be implemented:

"name": "CustomMultiply",
"comments": "Multiplies the left and right inputs of the same type together",
"target": "Neutral",
"inParameters": [
"name": "left",
"type": "AutoDetect"
"name": "right",
"type": "AutoDetect"
"outParameters": [
"name": "output",
"type": "BasedOnInput",
"typeFromInput": "left"
"inLinkedConnectionTypes" : [
"input1": "left",
"input2": "right",
"looseCoupling": false
"functionName": "multiply_{TYPE_left}",
"code": [
"{TYPE_output} myHelper_{TYPE_left}({TYPE_left} l, {TYPE_right} r) { return l * r; }",
"void multiply_{TYPE_left}({TYPE_left} l, {TYPE_right} r, out {TYPE_output} result) {",
" result = myHelper_{TYPE_left}(l, r);",

Most of the properties should be self-explanatory. Here are the possible values for some of the properties:

  • target: Neutral, Vertex, Fragment, VertexAndFragment
  • in/out parameters: Float, Int, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, Color4, Matrix, Object, AutoDetect, BasedOnInput

As this block allows any type of input (Float, Vector3, etc as the AutoDetect value shows for the left and right parameter types), the type of output is set to BasedOnInput to inherit the value of the input that will be plugged to left (value of typeFromInput) at runtime. Also, we want the types of the left and right inputs to be the same (once an input is plugged, the other one should inherit the same type), that's why we have a inLinkedConnectionTypes section in the file.

As the types are not known at the time we create the .json file, we must reference them in the GLSL code by using the special syntax {TYPE_XXX} where XXX is the name of an input/output: at runtime, these constructs will be replaced by the right type (float, vec2, etc).

Note that we used a myHelper_{TYPE_left} helper function only to demonstrate that you can use other functions in the code, you don't have to write all your code in the main function.

Last thing, the main function (the one which is exported in the functionName property) must return void and the output parameter(s) that it returns must be declared as out parameters of the function (see example).

Using Custom Blocks

Custom blocks are no different from the other blocks, so you simply need to drag&drop a block from the list on the left to the main area:

Register Custom Block

Here, the myPerlin2D block is a Perlin2D custom block (see the list of custom blocks in the left menu).

This block has been imported into the NME with this .json file:

"name": "Perlin2D",
"comments": "Generates a Perlin noise single value given a vec2 and time",
"target": "Neutral",
"inParameters": [
"name": "p",
"type": "Vector2"
"name": "dim",
"type": "Float"
"name": "time",
"type": "Float"
"outParameters": [
"name": "output",
"type": "Float"
"functionName": "perlin",
"code": [
"float rand(vec2 co){return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);}",
"float rand(vec2 co, float l) {return rand(vec2(rand(co), l));}",
"float rand(vec2 co, float l, float t) {return rand(vec2(rand(co, l), t));}",
"void perlin(vec2 p, float dim, float time, out float result) {",
" vec2 pos = floor(p * dim);",
" vec2 posx = pos + vec2(1.0, 0.0);",
" vec2 posy = pos + vec2(0.0, 1.0);",
" vec2 posxy = pos + vec2(1.0);",
" ",
" float c = rand(pos, dim, time);",
" float cx = rand(posx, dim, time);",
" float cy = rand(posy, dim, time);",
" float cxy = rand(posxy, dim, time);",
" ",
" vec2 d = fract(p * dim);",
" d = -0.5 * cos(d * 3.14159265358979323846) + 0.5;",
" ",
" float ccx = mix(c, cx, d.x);",
" float cycxy = mix(cy, cxy, d.x);",
" float center = mix(ccx, cycxy, d.y);",
" ",
" result = center * 2.0 - 1.0;",

Here's the link to the NME: Custom Perlin2D block

Recreating the StandardMaterial

As a training exercise and to show what is possible to do with the Node Material Editor, the StandardMaterial has been recreated in the NME:

  • Full Standard Material NME
  • Standard Material Without Alpha NME
  • Playground of Standard Material and NME Standard Material

Note that the only difference between the full material and the material without alpha support is that nothing is wire to the fragmentOutput.a input. If you don't need alpha support, you should use the "non alpha" node material as alpha-based materials have some constraints:

  • they don't write to the zbuffer and are only sorted among themselves, so some sorting rendering artifacts can arise
  • they need the transparencyShadow property to be true for shadow rendering

Let's see how the material has been created and how to use it.

Main building frames

The material is divided into several frames, mirroring the main features of the standard material:

  • Instances
  • Morphs and bones
  • Ambient
  • Diffuse
  • Specular
  • Reflection
  • Emissive
  • Bump (normal map)
  • Opacity
  • Lightmap
  • Vertex color
  • Fog

In each of these frames, you generally find a boolean float node that enable/disable the feature, and possibly some other properties to fine-tune the feature. Most of these properties are Constant properties, meaning they won't consume a uniform in the shaders and won't be visible in the Inspector / be updatable in javascript: you must change their value directly in the material (they correspond to the #define you can find in the standard material shader code).

Note that you won't find this enable/disable property in the Instances, Morphs and bones and Fog frames: they are always enabled. That's because they depend on the mesh geometry / settings (or on a scene setting for Fog): those frames will be a simple "pass-through" if the corresponding feature doesn't exist on the mesh / scene, so no need to explicitly disable it in that case.

Additional building frames

There are a number of additional frames that help organizing the graph more cleanly:

  • Final normal. This frame takes the output from the Bump frame and builds the final world normal used in subsequent computations (Reflection and Lights). You can change the TWOSIDEDLIGHTING boolean if you want the lighting to be applied whatever the triangle side facing are.
  • Final diffuse computation. It is the frame responsible for computing the final diffuse component, taking into account the ambient, emissive and vertex color components. Here you can modify the LINKEMISSIVEWITHDIFFUSE and EMISSIVEASILLUMINATION booleans to change the way the diffuse value is computed.
  • Final color computation. Everything is brought together to compute the final rgb color: ambient (texture), specular, reflection and emissive.
  • Final alpha computation. After the opacity (alpha) is generated from the Opacity frame, a number of additional computation is performed to produce the final alpha value. You can step in this computation by mean of two booleans, REFLECTIONOVERALPHA and SPECULAROVERALPHA.
  • Premultiply alpha to color. This one does what its title says and is enabled by the PREMULTIPLYALPHA boolean.

Construction notes

The material itself is not so complicated as each feature is generally restricted to its own frame and has few connections with other frames. That helps to keep each building block manageable and easily understandable.

Below are a few things of note.

Working without a if statement

As you may know, there's no if statement / block in the node material editor, so one must be creative to overcome this. Luckily, the standard material does not use this statement heavily (as it's better to avoid it for performance sake), so it is easy enough to deal with it. Most of the time, it is something like if boolean is true, use this value in subsequent computation, else use that other value instead. A Lerp block is the tool to use:

Lerp(a, b, gradient)

gradient is the boolean: if it is 0, a is the output, if it is 1, b is the output. Then use the output in subsequent computation.



If EMISSIVE is set to 0, the output is vEmissiveColor, else it is the color from the emissive map. In effect, the EMISSIVE boolean lets you choose to use either the constant vEmissiveColor color or the color from the texture map as the emissive color.

Discarding the fragment based on alpha cutoff value

This construct is meant to discard the fragment if alpha testing is enabled and if the alpha value is below some threshold value (cutoff value). It looks like this:


As you can see, the alphaCutOff node is not directly connected to the cutoff input of Discard (the Discard block will discard the fragment if the value input is lower than the cutoff input). That's because we need to let the user enable or disable this feature.

What it does instead is comparing the alpha value from the diffuse texture to ALPHATEST - 1 + alphaCutOff, ALPHATEST being the boolean value that lets the user enable (1) or disable (0) the feature.

If ALPHATEST = 1, the computed value is alphaCutOff, which is the expected input for Discard.cutoff in that case (alpha testing is enabled).

If ALPHATEST = 0, the computed value is -1 + alphaCutOff. As alphaCutOff is a value between 0 and 1, -1 + alphaCutOff will always be lower or equal to 0. So, Discard.cutoff <= 0 in that case, meaning the fragment will never be discarded (which is the expected result when alpha testing is disabled).

You could also have used Lerp(0, alphaCutOff, ALPHATEST) as the input for Discard.cutoff, but it's likely that the addition + subtraction used above is faster than a Lerp on GPUs (would need some benchmarking to be sure), even if it's by a small (negligible) margin.

Creating PBR materials

You can use those playgrounds and materials as starting points for your own experiments to create PBR materials in the NME (note that the node material may take some time to load in the PG - the mesh will stay black until the material is loaded):

  • Full use of all PBR blocks:
  • PG: PBR Blocks Playground
  • Material: PBR Blocks NME
  • PBR material with sheen only:
    • PG: PBR Blocks Sheen Only Playground
    • Material: PBR Blocks Sheen Only NME
  • PBR material with clear coat only:
    • PG: PBR Blocks Clear Coat Only NME
    • Material: PBR Blocks Sheen Only NME
  • PBR material with sub surface only:
    • PG: PBR Blocks sub surface Only Playground
    • Material: PBR Blocks sub surface Only NME

The inputs of the different PBR blocks are using the same names as in the PBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial class, so you can refer to this doc for explanations about them.

Some of the parameters are available as properties when clicking on the block in the NME.

For eg, for Reflection:

Reflection properties

Or for PBRMetallicRoughness:

PBR properties

As for the standard PBRMaterial, if no texture is provided for the Reflection / Refraction texture, the one declared at the scene level (scene.environmentTexture) is used instead.

By default, if something is connected to the a input of the FragmentOutput block, alpha blending is enabled. If you don't need alpha blending, don't connect this input.

Regarding the PBRMetallicRoughness block, you have access to each output component separately (ambient, diffuse, specular, ...) if you want or you can directly use lighting to get the composite output. In the names of the separate outputs, dir means direct (component from direct lights) and Ind means Indirect (component from indirect lighting, meaning the environment).

A note about image processing and manual compositing: Note that the composited lighting output of the PBRMetallicRoughness block also adds image processing from the scene. If you desire to to add additional components to the standard lighting setup, you will want to do the compositing yourself, using the separated components. The outputs of the separated components are in Linear color space. This is important because if you desire to calculate scene image processing in your manual composite, you'll need the ImageProcessing block. This block assumes input values in gamma color space by default and runs an internal conversation to a linear color space output. You will need to turn this conversion off in the ImageProcessing block properties to pass linear through without a conversion.

Creating Post Processes

Starting with Babylon.js v4.2, you can now create post processes with the node material editor.

You need simply to change the mode to Post Process:

PostProcess choice

In this mode, the special block CurrentScreen corresponds to the frame buffer that will be passed to your post process when you use this material as a post process in a real scenario. You can load any texture you want, it's simply an helper for you to see how your post process will render in the end.

Some blocks are made unavailable in this mode (they are hidden from the block list), as they have no meaning: the mesh, particle and animation blocks.

When you have created your post process material in the NME, you can create a regular BABYLON.PostProcess instance by calling the NodeMaterial.createPostProcess method:

const postProcess = nodeMaterial.createPostProcess(camera);

You can also update an existing post process:

const myPostProcess = new BABYLON.PostProcess(...);

PG: NME Post Process Playground Example

As for regular node materials, you can access the blocks programmatically and change their values:

Base material: NME Post Process Base Node Material

Programmatically updated material: NME Post Process Base Material Modification

Creating Procedural textures

Starting with Babylon.js v4.2, you can now create procedural textures with the node material editor.

You need simply to change the mode to Procedural texture this time:

Some blocks are made unavailable in this mode (they are hidden from the block list), as they have no meaning: the mesh, particle and animation blocks.

When you have created your procedural texture in the NME, you can create a regular BABYLON.ProceduralTexture instance by calling the NodeMaterial.createProceduralTexture method:

const proceduralTexture = nodeMaterial.createProceduralTexture(256);

As always, you can also load the NodeMaterial from our snippet server:

var ground = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround("ground", {width: 6, height: 6}, scene);
BABYLON.NodeMaterial.ParseFromSnippetAsync("#A7A3UB#1", scene).then((nodeMaterial) => {
const proceduralTexture = nodeMaterial.createProceduralTexture(256);
let mat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial();
mat.emissiveTexture = proceduralTexture;
ground.material = mat;

Playground: NME Procedural Texture Example

You can check out this video for more information:

Creating Particle shaders

Starting with Babylon.js v4.2, you can now create particle shaders (to be used with a particle system) with the node material editor.

You need simply to change the mode to Particle:

Particle choice

Some blocks are made unavailable in this mode (they are hidden from the block list), as they have no meaning: the mesh, post process and animation blocks.

Also, in this mode, you can't create a vertex shader, only a fragment shader: the vertex shader is fixed and not updatable.

Note that everything is driven by the parameters of the particle system instance. For eg, if the current particle system displayed in the preview area does not use "ramp gradients", the ParticleRampGradient block does nothing (it does not add ramp gradients to the shader), it's just a pass-through. Same thing for the ParticleBlendMultiply block. The exception is the ParticleTexture block, and only in the preview area of the node editor: if you provide a texture for this block it will be used as the particle texture in the preview area, else the texture defined in the current particle system will be used. In any case, when using the material in a live program, the texture will always be the one defined by the ParticleSystem.particleTexture property.

The materials you create in the Particle mode can also be used for GPU particle systems, save for these restrictions:

  • GPU particle systems don't support ramp gradients, so the RampGradientBlock won't do anything (you can still use it in your material, it will simply do nothing)
  • GPU particle systems don't support the textureMask property, so you should not use the ParticleTextureMask block in your materials targeted for GPU particle systems, else display artifacts will appear

When you have created your particle shader in the NME, you can link the material to a particle system instance by calling the NodeMaterial.createEffectForParticles method:


PG: NME Particle Shaders Example

The full fragment shader used by default by the particle system can be recreated in the NME: NME Full Default Fragment Shader

As explained above, if you want to use this material for GPU particle systems, you should remove the use of the ParticleTextureMask block: NME Full Default Fragment Shader GPU Version

Loading from a file saved from the Node Material Editor

You can directly setup a Node Material from a file saved from the Node Material Editor.

Here is the code to use:

nodeMaterial.loadAsync("file-url.json").then(() => {;

Sharing unique URLs

When using the Node Material Editor, you can have an additional option to save your work using a unique URL (like the Playground for instance). You can then share these urls (which are immutable).

Example: Node Material Editor Unique URL Example

Loading from a snippet (unique URL)

You can use the following code to load a saved node material from a unique URL:

BABYLON.NodeMaterial.ParseFromSnippetAsync("2F999G", scene).then(nodeMaterial => {
sphere.material = nodeMaterial;

When using NME within the Playground, you have the opportunity to edit your material with the Inspector and let the Playground update your snipped id automatically (each time NME will save a new snippet id it will inform the playground to also change the id in your code.

And to begin with you can simply call this code to start a new Node Material from scratch:

BABYLON.NodeMaterial.ParseFromSnippetAsync("_BLANK", scene).then(nodeMaterial => {
sphere.material = nodeMaterial;


  • There is a use case where you may want to load a node material, but ignore any embedded or linked textures stored in the json. This could be where you are going to supply new textures in code and you don't want to incur the cost of loading the old textures or if you are reusing a node material from an old project where only the textures need to be updated. To do this, place this static property in your code before creating or loading your node materials:
BABYLON.NodeMaterial.IgnoreTexturesAtLoadTime = true;

And then from there you could have used the Inspector to edit it (The inspector can replace the __BLANK with the right id later on).

Node material examples

Here are some node material examples that you can use "as is" or extend with the NME:

  • Incredible NME Ocean Shader
  • GridMaterial Recreated in the Node Material Editor
  • 'Mist' Post Process in the Node Material Editor
  • 'Dissolve' Post Process in the Node Material Editor

Related videos

Further reading

The Node Material Editor
Learn all about the powerful Node Material Editor in Babylon.js.
The Node Material Editor