Compute Shaders

Here's what Wikipedia has to say about compute shaders:

In computing, a compute kernel is a routine compiled for high throughput accelerators (such as graphics processing units (GPUs), digital signal processors (DSPs) or field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs)), separate from but used by a main program (typically running on a central processing unit). They are sometimes called compute shaders, sharing execution units with vertex shaders and pixel shaders on GPUs, but are not limited to execution on one class of device, or graphics APIs.

Note that in Babylon.js this is a WebGPU feature only (starting at v5.0), WebGL does not support compute shaders.

You can query the engine for compute shader support by doing:


Creating a compute shader

Use the ComputeShader class to create a computer shader, much like you would use ShaderMaterial to create a material for some custom shader code:

const cs1 = new BABYLON.ComputeShader("myCompute", engine, { computeSource: copyTextureComputeShader }, { bindingsMapping:
"dest": { group: 0, binding: 0 },
"src": { group: 0, binding: 2 }

copyTextureComputeShader is the shader code and bindingsMapping an object that maps an input variable name (from the shader source code) to its binding location: see below for more explanations.

Once you have created the compute shader instance, you can set the input values by using the appropriate methods (see ComputeShader class):

cs1.setTexture("src", src);
cs1.setStorageTexture("dest", dest);

A compute shader can be executed by calling one of the dispatch() or dispatchWhenReady() methods.

Types of variables passed to compute shaders

Variables you pass to a compute shader can be of the following types:

  • texture. Use ComputeShader.setTexture() to pass a regular texture to the shader.
  • storage texture. A storage texture is a texture you can write to from your compute shader. Note that you can't read from a storage texture, only write to it. If you wrote something in a storage texture and need to read from it in a shader, simply pass it as a regular texture. In Babylon.js, storage textures are created as regular textures but pass a special flag for the creationFlag parameter: BABYLON.Constants.TEXTURE_CREATIONFLAG_STORAGE. There are also two helper methods that you can use to create storage textures: BABYLON.RawTexture.CreateRGBAStorageTexture() and BABYLON.RawTexture.CreateRStorageTexture(). Use ComputeShader.setStorageTexture() to pass a storage texture to the shader.
  • uniform buffer. It's a buffer you can create by instantiating the UniformBuffer class and that can be used to pass some constant values to the shader side (values that still can be updated in the course of your program - they are constants inside the shader). Note that you need to first create the layout of this buffer by calling the addUniform method in the order the properties appear in the buffer in the shader code! The last point is important as the layout you create must match the layout of the buffer as used in the shader code. Once you have created the layout, you can set some values through calls to the updateXXX() methods. Once you are ready to update the buffer on the GPU side, call update(). Use ComputeShader.setUniformBuffer() to pass a uniform buffer to the shader.
  • storage buffer. This is an arbitrary buffer that you can use to read or write values. Use the StorageBuffer class to create such buffers. Use ComputeShader.setStorageBuffer() to pass a storage buffer to the shader.
  • sampler. This is a custom texture sampler object that you can use to sample a texture. Use the TextureSampler class to create one and ComputeShader.setTexturesSampler() to pass a texture sampler to the shader. See the next section for more explanations about texture samplers.

Shader language and input bindings

The compute shader must be written in WGSL, which is the shader language used by WebGPU.

As GLSL shaders can be stored in ShaderStore.ShadersStore, WGSL shaders can be stored in ShaderStore.ShadersStoreWGSL and you can pass the name of the key used to store the shader in this object to the ComputeShader constructor. You can also directly pass the shader code to the constructor (as done in the example above).

Browsers do not currently support reflection for WGSL shaders, meaning we are not able to automatically retrieve the binding and group values of the input variables, as seen here:

[[group(0), binding(0)]] var dest : texture_storage_2d<rgba8unorm, write>;
[[group(0), binding(1)]] var srcSampler : sampler;
[[group(0), binding(2)]] var src : texture_2d<f32>;

That's why you need to provide those bindings yourself when creating a new ComputeShader instance:

const cs1 = new BABYLON.ComputeShader("myCompute", engine, { computeSource: copyTextureComputeShader }, { bindingsMapping:
"dest": { group: 0, binding: 0 },
"src": { group: 0, binding: 2 }

Note that for a (sampled) texture variable as src in the example above, you can instruct the system to automatically bind the sampler corresponding to the texture. To do that, you must declare the sampler with a binding value equal to the binding value of the texture minus 1 and you should pass true as the 3rd parameter of the setTexture() call (or don't pass anything, as true is the default value). In this case, you must not add this sampler in the bindingsMapping object.

If you don't need/want to auto-bind the sampler corresponding to a texture, you can instruct the system not to bind the sampler by passing false as the 3rd parameter to ComputeShader.setTexture().

You can also bind your own sampler by creating one (see the TextureSampler class) and use the ComputeShader.setTextureSampler() method:

const cs1 = new BABYLON.ComputeShader("myCompute", engine, { computeSource: copyTextureComputeShader }, { bindingsMapping:
"dest": { group: 0, binding: 0 },
"srcSampler": { group: 0, binding: 1 },
"src": { group: 0, binding: 2 }
const sampler = new BABYLON.TextureSampler().setParameters();
cs1.setTextureSampler("samplerSrc", sampler);

In that case, you must add this sampler in the bindingsMapping object.


Simple compute shaders

Simple compute shaders

This PG creates 3 compute shaders:

  • the first one is loading a texture and copying it into another texture by means of a compute shader. This texture is then applied on the ground. Warning: it is for demonstration purpose only, don't use this compute shader in real code, a simple copy buffer would be enough to achieve the same thing!
  • the second one is clearing a texture with a constant value and applying it to the sphere. Once again, don't use it in real code! Note that we don't use addUniform to create the layout of the uniform buffer: when there's a single property in a uniform buffer, calling updateXXX() to set the value of the property will also create the layout.
  • the third one is computing the multiplication of two matrices. It uses 3 storage buffers, 2 for the two input matrices and one for the result. The result buffer is then read and dumped to the console log. It is a direct port of Get started with GPU Compute on the Web.

Image Blur

Blur compute shader

This is a direct port of the WebGPU sample imageBlur.

Note that in the sample we are calling dispatchWhenReady() for the first compute shader to be sure the compute effect is ready before going on, but for the next shaders we simply call dispatch() because as they are using the same shader code we are sure the effect will be ready (as it is the same one).

Compute Boids

Boids compute shader

This is a direct port of the WebGPU sample computeBoids.

It is a compute shader that updates two ping-pong buffers which store particle data. The data is used to draw instanced particles.

Note that it is using the (new in 5.0) Mesh.forcedInstanceCount property to set an instance count for a mesh that has no instances (InstancedMesh) but that we would like to render multiple times because we provide the appropriate vertex buffers manually.

As the storage buffers we use to compute the particle positions and velocities will be used as (instanced) vertex buffers, we must flag them as BUFFER_CREATIONFLAG_VERTEX at creation time (see the new BABYLON.StorageBuffer(...) calls in the code).

Hydraulic erosion

Hydraulic erosion

This is a port of the great project Hydraulic-Erosion: all credits to!

The generation of the terrain and the simulation of the erosion is done by using two different compute shaders.

Note that this sample also works in WebGL2 where compute shaders are not available but you should be careful when setting the parameters: don't raise too much Iterations, Radius, Max lifetime, Resolution else you may stuck your browser as now the terrain generation and erosion processes are handled on the CPU side!

Slime simulation

Slime simulation

This is a port of the great project Slime-Simulation: all credits to!

The implentation in WGSL is a little less pretty than the HLSL one because at the time of this writing WebGPU does not support read/write textures, so we had to use a storage buffer for the TrailMap texture. That means we need some copy buffer to texture and texture to buffer functions and we have to do 4 reads from TrailMap instead of a single one when we need to get a vec4 (see the code), which is likely less performant than its HLSL counterpart.

Ocean demo

Ocean demo

This is a port of the great project FFT-Ocean: all credits to Ivan Pensionerov (!

This sample uses a lot of compute shader runs: there are around 200-250 compute shaders running each frame! Use F8 to show/hide the GUI (after you click anywhere in the rendering area to give focus to the canvas) and WASD to move.

Further reading